We are sending out Christmas cards this year.
That is the miracle.
In the last 12 years since Scott and I have had children we have sent out
2 picture Christmas cards.
Don't judge me.
I mean...you can judge me....but I won't care.
I have kept the children alive for 12 years. That is my job.
Christmas cards are just icing on the cake as far as I can tell.
Every year we get Christmas cards from our friends and family
and I faithfully hang them up on a cute wire picture holder and smile at them all year long.
I always think, "We should send out a Christmas card."
And I think, "Maybe next year."
Next year has arrived, people!
Can I get a hallelujah? Can I get an amen?
My friend, Bonnie, who is a spectacular professional photographer took
our picture about 50 times and some of them the children are actually smiling in....
at. the. same. time.
Let's wipe a tear of joy from the eye, even now.
Last night I stuffed and addressed and stamped a stack of cards.
It was a new experience. I decided I better give a blog heads up
to my family and friends, lest they pass out from surprise when it arrives in the mail.
Keep the smelling salts close, people.
And as for my faithful internet friends and readers whom I hold dear.
Here is a bloggy Christmas greeting from me to you.
Cherish it. You won't see another one until my kids are in high school.
Joy to the World! And Merry Merry Christmas, friends!!!
great picture! Merry Christmas!!
Hi Susanna,
I was at Harvest last night for the Christmas Woman Extravaganza. I wanted to apologize for falling asleep during your sermon I feel so horrible. Right when you began I was so excited to hear your word because I too feel like I'm a tired super girl hence me falling asleep during church of all things. Coming to church straight from work, picking up my daughter and dinner and dropping my three year old off at home AND the over load of the beyond yummy meatballs at the event I was a lost cause. But I am excited to have been blessed to learn of you and your words of encouragement through God's work. I look forward to being a part of your community here on your site and I love your honesty of motherhood and family life it's very refreshing and encouraging for women like me. God bless! Naomi :)
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