Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Failed distance learning or sweet dance moves...it's your choice

Distance. Learning.

These two words have rocked my writer's world.
My early morning cups of coffee and solitary thoughts have been disrupted
by the home school bell.

By that I mean my own alarm clock.
And me waking up my children to come down to the kitchen table.
Will and Addison are less than thrilled with online learning.
That makes three of us. (We heart you, teachers!!!!!)

On our second day of distance learning and algebraic equations,
Addison, a second semester 8th grader,
looked me dead in the eye and said, "I NEVER wanted to home school."
Translation: You stink at this, lady.
So I looked him dead in the eye and said, "Me, either."
Translation: I stink at this, buddy.

For the love of all that is good and holy, I thought I left math behind years ago.
This was proven to be true when I was an aid for 8th grade math 2 years ago...
for about two weeks.

At one point, the student that I was trying to help looked at me and said,
"Oh, I get it, Mrs. Aughtmon! You are in this class because you need to learn math."
It was a brutal common core moment.

I agreed with him.
And asked to be transferred to helping those who struggled
with dangling participles and prepositional phrases...
because, English....

We are in our third week of online learning.
I am trying to write at the table, while the boys complete their work.
We are all having a little trouble dragging ourselves from bed in the morning.
Also, we are having trouble remembering what day it is...Tuesday...Thursday...Saturday?
The shine has worn off of school in the kitchen.

I tried something new this morning.
I thought maybe it would inspire during our math mayhem.

I busted out some Stevie Wonder on my computer to take on graphing equations.
I did a few spins around the table.
Followed the prep. A grapevine. The robocop.
(Yes, I highlight 80's aerobics moves with early 90's hip-hop classics.)

It didn't go over well.
Addie didn't even smile.
He said, "Mom, you can listen to your music. Just don't dance."
Will followed this up with,
"You are super distracting and not in a good way. You want us to learn, right?"

I want them to learn what sweet dance moves look like.
And some manners.
Scott came dancing out of the office.
They completely ignored his gift of breakfast break dancing.
They don't know true talent.

Let's be honest.
The dancing is just for me...to keep my own spirits up.
And to make myself laugh.
Because the horror on my boys faces is priceless.

Also, it's a genius home teaching method...
my awkward dancing helps my children focus on their school work in front of them...
because they are avoiding looking at me.

This is what survival is all about, you guys.
It's okay to find some joy in the midst of chaos.

We can focus on the stress of lock down and quadratic equations...
or we can humiliate our children with a well-timed kick ball change.
It's your choice. You already know mine.

Here are a few happy, upbeat dance tunes to bring yourself some joy....
and torment your own children with...






1 comment:

Angela Ruth Strong said...

Dancing in the kitchen is one of my favorite things.