Wednesday, April 29, 2009

because moms rock red letter words giveaway

I love red letter words.
I really really do.
Everytime I visit Dee's site and look at her art I think
I could just paper my walls with them. In every room of my house. Really.
Did I mention that I love them?
I love this.

And I love this.

But mostly I love this.

Because this is where I am living right now.
And surely I will have to get this and hang it above my bed some time soon.
To remind me of what I am called to....hope.
Dee's art speaks to the soul and she has offered one of her amazing canvases as our final giveaway of our moms rock spring giveaway.
And the best part? It is your choice of 12x12 print.
So go visit red letter words and leave your favorite in the comments.
You can purchase any print made before May 5 at a 15% discount just mention the tired supergirl blog. So fun!
Giveaway will end Tuesday,May 5 @ 9:00 pm. Winner will be announced Wednesday May 6.

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Shelby-Grace said...

These are great! I love the one with the fruit of the Spirit on it. This is a sign I need to see everyday!

Unknown said...

I would order the 'Hope Over Fear' one - though 'Two is Better than One' is a close second :)

deepsouthrunner said...

Well I love the Two are Better than One and the Hope over Fear ones, but I also love the Fruit of the Spirit, His Eye is on the Sparrow, and Today is the Day... These are so great!!


thetnpreacherswife said...

I like Two are Better than One...I think she used to have a Paris one with Paris sites and I loved that one too...

BizzieLizzie said...

Oh, I'm with you Sue! LOVE her shop! I can just see this one -
in my Lizzie's room! We always go back and forth with "I love you" - "Nope, I love you more!!" She would just be as tickled as I, if I were the lucky winner! Yay for giv-a-ways!!

jenny said...

I have to favorites. Hope over Fear and She Knew.. Rubies.

Traci said...

Two are better than one.

Chris and I went to a marriage conference on Friday night. So I am all in to that saying right now! :)

Love you Sue!


Bets said...

Love the Fearfully Made one - well I love a bunch of them, but that's pretty high on the list!

Anonymous said...

I like the "His eye is on the SParrow" print

Carrie said...

I love the Red Letter Words as nice! I would probably pick "Today is the day YOU have made". :)

Pilgrim said...

I love her stuff! She has incredible artwork. I Love ALL of her prints... she has a great style.

Pilgrim said...

Actually maybe I like Wait Hope Expect the Best... or We Must Chose Hope over Fear...the best. Those have become mottos for my life the past year. I think I would chose those. They are so cool.

lyndabyrd said...

They are all great! At this time in my life, "Wait, Hope, and Expect" is my favorite. If you wait on the Lord and your hope is in Him you can expect only the best because that is what God promises. We have to be careful with the expect part though because what we expect to happen might not be the best for us. Hang in there every TSG, especially you, Sue!

Josh Herndon said...

I like the "Two are Better than One".

Josh Herndon

Jodie | Velour said...

I'm with you Sue. Hope over fear is my favorite too. I need to be continually reminded.
I read this recently and it really hit me:
Worry is focusing on the same thing over and over and over and over. Worship is focusing on God over and over and over and over....

I think those two go hand in hand.

Sharon Simon said...

These are Awesome; thanks for introducing them to me. I visited the site and love lots of them but the one I like the best is her "I Love You, No I Love You..."

Jenn said...

I love "Today is the day you have made..." makes me think I need to rejoice everyday! Excited to see you guys and hear you speak in a few weeks Sue!

Jenn Clark

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I really love the "WAIT. HOPE. EXPECT." because it speaks to me where I am today.

Erin McGraw said...

I like the Hope is an Anchor and the Fruit of the Spirit. What a beautiful way to teach my kids about God. Thanks for the link, I love etsy.

Bronwen said...

I would say the DC one and the sparrow!

Kara said...

Wait Hope Expect is definitely one of my favorites and I am doing all those 3 things as I pray I WIN THIS GIVEAWAY! :-)

I love this art. Hoping I would see it pop on your site again soon.

Crossing my fingers.

Christy said...

The "Two are Better than One - in Brown with Blue Birds" is great. It's a good reminder when you're wanting to pull your hair out. :)

Rachel said...

On this day, at this moment in time, my favorite is..... "His eye is on the Sparrow". Hope I win!

Josh Herndon said...

On second thought, I like the Hope one. :)


Lisa said...

I am torn between the "fruits of the spirit" and the "This is the day...", but if I were to win I would LOVE either one. Thanks for all the fun contests!

eternity driven said...

I'm with you on the "hope over fear"

Marty said...

The very first one...hope is an anchor to the soul. Love that!

Erica said...

I'm not sure I can choose...they are all so great. But I really love Two are Better than One!

The Oswalds said...

Wow, I love all these too! It is hard to pick a favorite but I would probably choose the Wait Hope Expect one with the flowers. It speaks volumes about the road to adoption & my daughter's middle name is Hope.

Jessi said...

I really like "wait hope expect", but I also really like "She knew if she spoke the truth..." However, I LOVE the "don't doubt in the dark" set too...

Unknown said...

They are all great. I like His eye is on the Sparrow and Two Are Better Thank One and Today is the Day that the Lord has made. I'm with Sue - I could have one in every room.....

Lindsay said...

I love the "hope is an anchor for the soul" one... though as most others have stated, they are all great!

This Beautiful Mess said...

These are absolutely wonderful - I love the Two are Better Than One, the Hope Over Fear, and the Fruit of the Spirit ones the very most but all of them are great - she has such a talent. By the way, I am new to your blog - I found out about it after a friend recommended your book to me - which is fabulous by the way :) Thank you for bearing your heart and being real. It's nice to "know" another pastor's wife who has the same struggles and isn't afraid to put it out there for all to see :)

Grace said...

I love the DC words!