Saturday, February 27, 2010

the nature of things

The excitement of this spring has begun.
Thursday night I was in Manteca with a college girlfriend, Shelli, and her church's book group who had been reading All I Need is Jesus and a Good Pair of Jeans.
We laughed and talked about Jesus and Shelli and I went out for Mexican after.
Because you should always go out for good food after talking about Jesus.
It's a church law.
I spent the night with my cousins, Brad and Alys and in the morning Alys and I drove to Pleasant Hill together when we had a lunch shower for my newest nephew, Baby Drew.
More laughing and lovely food ensued. And presents.
Because presents always make everything better.
Then I fought the wind and rain in my minivan...
(do I or do I not live in California? El Nino came back yesterday!)
to make it back home in time to pick Addie up at school.
From which we headed to the Social Security Office to obtain the boys cards
and on to the stationary store to send out a fax.
Did you know that part of a mom's job desciption is multi tasking?
Did you know that this is in direct conflict with my one-task-per-day personality?
When we got home, Scott had planned a family fun night since I leave on Tuesday for a speaking engagement in Texas.
Because that is the kind of fun dad that he is.
We ate dinner, we passed around Girl Scout cookies (thin mint of course!),
pulled out the sofa bed in the living room, piled ourselves onto it with the blankets and pillows and started to watch a movie.
I promptly fell asleep. At 8:00.
I woke to Addie putting a WWF smack down move on me.
His body pinning me and his nose inches away from my face, he questioned,
"Mom, why are you sleeping? MOM? Wake up, Mom!"
Did you know that family fun night isn't so fun when people in the family fall asleep?
Scott reminded me of a saying his mom used to say,
"Every party has a pooper. That's why we invited you."
I went to bed anyway.
I had to apologize to Scott and the boys this morning for my nocturnal grumpiness.
He advised me, "Sue, if you want to stay awake and be a part of family fun night,
you actually have to stay sitting up with your eyes open."
To which I responded, "But I was SO tired."
As if this justified me missing out on family fun night.
Clearly, as the travelling and speaking begins,
the good Lord is going to have to do a work in my spirit.
Building me up with extra energy and sharpening my mind and enlivening this tired body with some fortitude and the heavenly ability to multi-task work, family, church, speaking and writing.
(All of the sudden I feel tired again...Jesus help me!)
Because it just wouldn't be right to sleep through another family fun night.

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1 comment:

myletterstoemily said...

ok, darlin', i'm worried about you and i don't
even know you. :)

when psychologists started classifying people into extroverted/introverted, type a/type b, they
forgot one VERY important category.

sleepies/not sleepies

i am a sleepy along with one of our children. we
just need more sleep...bummer.