Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy father's day

It's early hours here in the Aughtmon house.
The teapot is warming and I am up getting ready for the smaller gathering
meeting at our house. And of course, just sitting down for a minute to
get some thoughts down since that is much more fun than cleaning anyway.
We've been singing a song in our pre-school class (shout out to Jenn for finding it)
that I can't get out of my head.
I've been singing it at the top of my lungs for the past 3 days.
The children have been looking at me a little strange but they know the words now, too.
Our God is bigger than big
Stronger than strong
Mightier than mighty
Louder than this song
Your love for me stretches farther than far
I can't imagine just how big you are...just how big you are.

It even has hand motions.
And it seems like a good song to sing today on Father's day.
If your life is anything like mine (crazy!)and you feel scattered on occasion (daily!) and think maybe you don't know how this week is going to work itself out with all the mess you have going on, don't forget to think about your Dad.
Your heavenly one.
He's got it. He's big. He's strong. He's got answers. And he loves you.
Farther than far even.
That's enough to set the heart at ease...even when you are frantically cleaning on
Sunday morning.

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1 comment:

Kyle McCall said...

Hey, can you tell me what the name of this song is? And the artist? Or where you found it? Thank you! God bless