Wednesday, April 13, 2011

washing feet

This last Sunday our Sunday school lesson was about the last supper.
Sometimes I forget that before Jesus broke the bread and drank the wine
that he had got down on his knees and washed the feet of the
men who loved him most.
And I'm pretty sure those were some smelly stinky fisherman and tax
collector feet that he got his hands on.
One more time he wanted to show them how his whole purpose was
to love and serve these men, and he wanted them to follow suit
when he left.
We only had 7 kids in Sunday school. 5 boys and 2 girls.
I brought out a bowl of water, doused with a liberal amount of
lavender epsom salts and explained what Jesus had done and what we
were going to do.
From word one, there was a resounding "no" from the two girls.
One said, "My mom said we are not supposed to wash boys feet."
And I had to respect that. Because it is important at the age
of 9 that the cootie barrier is not breached...not even on the Lord's day.
But the boys were game. And as Jack had his feet washed by Max
(who was all for washing
but not in favor of having his own feet washed),
Drew (17 mos) launched Star Wars action figures into the bowl.
He was in favor of some folks getting baptized along with having
their feet washed.
There was some giggling, some swashing of water and washcloth and
some comments on how the lavender smelled really good.
Washing feet can make us feel uncomfortable...
I think because someone is touching your toes and rinsing
of the lint your socks leaves behind.
It's personal and really both people have to be willing to
be in a position of humility.
One has to let their stinky feet see the sun and the other
has to be willing to touch the stinky feet.
But I love Peter's response in the Bible, after he rejects
Jesus attempt to wash his feet.
When Jesus says, "If you don't let me wash your feet, than you
don't have any part of me."
Peter says,"Then I'll take a bath!" (sue paraphrase)
I think that is what I'm going into this Easter season thinking.
It is too overwhelming to think of what Christ did for me, for you,
laying his body down, picking up our sins, breathing his last breath
so we could live, let alone thinking about him serving us,
washing our feet.
I feel like Peter. I'm not deserving of his touch in my life.
I know who I am.
But if I want in on His love, I take it for what it is.
All that forgiveness and mercy and grace overwhelming me.
With Jesus it is all or nothing.
There can be nothing half hearted in our following.
Either we let him do all he wants to do in our livesm,
washed feet and all,
or we miss out on his goodness, his extreme love poured out on us.
So I am in. Shoes off, pants rolled up,
my life exposed in all its lint covered funk.
Overwhelmed by his willingness to touch me and change me and
shape me into who he designed me to be.
Even without lavender epsom salts.


Belle said...

I like how you taught the children about foot washing. Cute story! I am always amazed at how humble God is; how he was a servant to us when he lived here.

Beth said...

Sue, This brought me to tears this morning when I read it. I definitely don't want to miss out on any of God's goodness or love! I needed to hear this today. I love you for sharing your heart and touching so many other hearts. You are incredible!