Saturday, October 25, 2008

weekend fun

This past Friday afternoon, Scott's mom, showed up and shooed us out the door for a overnight trip to San Francisco. She is hands down, the best mother-in-law ever.
She shooed us out the door because we have been married twelve years as of tomorrow and that is nothing to laugh at. I had a few thoughts about being Scott's girl for the last 12 years that I shared on Faithchick in case you are curious. I would be if I were you.
Scott and I headed up to the city and painted the town and by that I mean we ate as many different places that we could in the shortest amount of time possible.
Thai...Peruvian...Indian. It was a quick getaway but it was fun.
And it was needed because I realize mostly Scott and I talk about homework
and discipline and grocery shopping and bills and for heavens sakes,
someone needs to take the trash out. But we actually had some time to sit and talk
about dreams and hopes and concerns and what food should we order that
I don't have to cook that hails from a different corner of the globe.
Peruvian rotisserie chicken? Green curry with jalapenos? Garlic naan?
My pants are real tight now but the conversation was stimulating and it was worth every scrumptious bite.
So all that to say, we are back home awash in a rosy glow of restaurant food and getting ready for church tomorrow.
And for those of you who lifted up my lack of dress slacks in prayer yesterday,
your prayers were answered.
2 pairs on clearance at Marshall's for grand total of $17.
I see that you girls don't play around when it comes to prayer and a fashion crisis.
I will be peacing out until next Thursday due to my writer's retreat
but be sure to check back shortly for pictures and stories of
"Sue, Rene and the blue-hoopty-ghetto-ride do the wine country."
Coming soon to a blog near you. This one, that is. In case you were wondering.

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Kim said...

How fun! So glad you were able to get away.

Eating our way through a city is a favorite thing and I do believe we did the same thing in Chicago for our 11th (or maybe 12th?) anniversary.

Enjoyed your "thoughts on being that girl" at faithchick.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Happy anniversary! Happy traveling. May your marriage always be worth discussing and your pants always be just a little too tight. ;-)

Lindsey said...

Oh I'm so very jealous of your "retreat"! I am so glad y'all had a fabulous time. And in true form, you never always leave me with a laugh and an uplifting feeling. Big thanks to you!