So this is the other thing about writing that maybe no one has ever told you.
You have to promote yourself. To other people. Who are alive.
Now some of you maybe are natural self-promoters.
Not in a gross and offensive way but just in a way that you can naturally
share your talents with other people and come across as sweet and un-assuming.
I, however, was raised to believe that to speak highly about yourself and what
you are offering is just a wee bit...ummm...I don't know....
unattrative and lacks tact and graciousness.
I come by this honestly.
I just spoke to my Dad this past Sunday. He is a naturally gifted speaker.
People love his stories. He travels the world speaking.
When I ask him how his speaking is going he usually says, "People were very kind."
Later my mom will call and say something like,
"1,497 people wept as your father described Jesus' love to them
and told the story about the Johnny and the baseball game."
But my dad would NEVER say this. EVER.
I was raised to know the art of deflecting a compliment.
When someone says, "I like your hair."
I say, "Oh, you should have seen me yesterday. I was hideous."
It's all about down-playing yourself. Unless you write a book.
And than you have to throw that out the window and accept compliments about your hair and tell people nice things about yourself.
So all this to say, though it goes against the grain, my husband, Scott,
is attempting to school me in the art of un-offensive promotion. So here goes.
I have a book.
All I Need Is Jesus and A Good Pair of Jeans:
The Tired Supergirl's Search for Grace.

It's for sale. On Amazon. And still my beating heart). And CBD.
And maybe at your local Christian book store.
Not that I think that I am Maya Angelou and deserve Amazon reviews, but if you have
already read the book and enjoyed it and want to leave a review on Amazon,
I would be grateful.
In the off chance that you don't know what the book is about,
it is about the tension that we tired supergirls live in between the woman that we are presently and the woman that we long to become and the grace that Jesus pours out on us in our every day living.
You can read the first chapter here.
You'll see that I have issues with pride and selfishness and chocolate and lack of basically if you read it, you will feel A TON BETTER about yourself. Why not get a group of your tired supergirl friends to read it together and all feel better about yourselves? It would be fun, wouldn't it?
And so it begins.
So this week, as I begin to embrace the author-ly life...
(I never thought that authors did laundry. I thought they had house keepers and smoked pipes and sat in pubs reading their works to each other. Apparently, I am not C.S. Lewis and I will have to continue on in the area of laundry and housework.)
I will be giving a book away with each post this week.
So leave a comment about what my next author-ly act should be....
after I finish my laundry.
Comments for this post will be open until 9:00 Tuesday night.
Just followed your link and read the first chapter and LOVED IT!
I'm putting it on my wish list of books and praying someone soon asks what they can send :-)
Am reading it and LOVING it. And I would totally sit in a pub with pipe for they serve tea in pubs?
Looks like a great book. It is on my wish list.
I haven't gotten the chance to read it, but I will be clicking on over to read your first chapter after I type this!
Reading the online chapter now and love it!
I love your title and would enjoy reading the book. Congratulations on its publication!
Love the first chapter. Are you sure you aren't living my life? :)
I think, Sue, that you should kick back with a steamy cup of Earl Gray (or whatever you fancy) and practice your British accent. Because if I was a big britches author like you, that's what I'd do.
Also, I just finished your first chapter and I'm hooked. I love your style. I hope I win this book!! Because I will read it and then pay it forward! :)
Seriously, I've been waiting for you to get back so I could tell you how much I'm LOVING your book!!! I read the first part of chapter two, about being in denial that someday we'll be the old ladies in the polyester pants, and I had a thought... maybe we should start wearing that stuff now. Since what we used to look good in, and what the younger women who have not had as many children wear doesn't really work, maybe we can rock the polyester pants now. Or maybe not.
So far I can relate to every chapter, every confession. Especially the chocolate. But especially the pride and tiredness and all the other things too.
I'll be happy to write a review as soon as I'm finished reading. And as for what you should do after this, I say just keep it up. Women love feeling like we're not alone in all this daily stuff of life. It's good to read something so refreshingly authentic.
Sue, Congrats on the book. I really hope your self-promotion pays off and you sell a ton of these! Just read Ch 1 and I can totally relate. Praying that this moment in your life is all you've dreamt it to be :)
I loved the first chapter, especially about the Tired Lady who seems to be my shadow. FYI- you need to update your personal blog to no longer say..."I am currently chasing (and chasing) my dream of becoming an author." YOU'RE OFFICIALLY AN AUTHOR!!!
Okay, I am still waiting for my book... need to check on that. I seriously cannot wait to read it. I have enjoyed your blog and therefore assume I will enjoy the perspectives you offer in your book. I would love to win a copy!! My neighbor and I could read it together!!
P.S. I love the minty lipgloss I won in your Thanksgiving give-away.
P.S.S. My friend, Maria Nickless, did Chicken Soup for the MOther of Preschoolers Soul. She used to do book marketing. her email is maybe she can offer you some pointers on easily and with grace telling others about your book.
P.P.S.S. (She doesn't have her own housekeeper and does her own laundry. She does do tea or coffee around the kitchen island while blocking out the banter of children so we can chat!)
Self-promotion aside, it's great when others sing your praises. And both Shane Couch and Marie-France Ladine posted something about your book on Facebook, so I ordered it from Amazon last week. I'm traveling this week and can't wait to get home and devour it - it's waiting there for me! After witnessing your eloquence and flair for the dramatic as a college student at Bethany, I am fully confident you won't disappoint as an author, either. Although, as a tired supergirl, I recommend a good cup of tea vs. any pub offerings, and a day without tights so you can just let it all hang out! :)
Hey, I'm a man! Give me the book and I'll read it and give it a review on Amazon. Oh, and after you do the laundry...take a nap!
How exciting!! I would absolutely love to win it, I love your blog, I'm sure the book is amazing!!
I thought authors went to Starbucks & carried briefcases. :) So there you go. And I think your next authorly act should be to twitter. You should definitely twitter.
Oh, ARE what I want to be when I grow up!!!
I think that fancy authors such as yourself should definitely have 'people' to do their laundry AND drive them to Target whenever they so desire!
What God says about self promtion is in Proverbs somewhere I think, so you do come by it "honestly."
About what your next authorly act should be...what comes to mind is publishing your blog! Put it all in a little booklet, maybe as a daily devotional. Some of the blogs have given me such wisdom and insight and really opened up God's Word to me.
So proud to know not only you, but it was really cool that I know some of the people you mention in the book, too!
I love to listen to your dad speak. I believe he could move thousands to weep--you must have his gift because there are many times I finish reading your blog and am moved to tears, also! Can't wait to read your book. I appreciate the part about Simon "the Rock." Thank you for sharing your book with us.
Just read your chapter- and was left with this feeling- "that's it?" "Where's the rest of the book? I need it now!!!" :) It's wonderful!!! :) Looking forward to reading it soon!
I knew even before reading your book that I would love it because I have enjoyed your blog so much! I got a copy for my mom for her birthday. I also posted a review on CBD since no one had done that yet.
You are my hero - I would love to be a published author some day.
I just read your first chapter and loved it. By the end of the first page my eyes were welling up as I recognized myself, my life, my desires plainly written for all to see. I couldn't help but ask myself, "How does she know? That's exactly how I feel."
Before I was done reading, a list of all my girlfriends that I would love to share your book with began to form in my mind.
Thank you for your willingness to be real, vulnerable, and transparent to your audience. Many will be blessed and encouraged by your act of faith.
I love your blog! thanks for the opportunity to participate in your awesome giveaway!
I want to BUY your book, but I've kinda been holding out in hopes that I can get it in person at Tar-jay. do you know if they're going to have it in stock, or do I have to get it online?
Hey crazy coffee friend! :) I loved reading that by the way. I've missed the deadline but thought I should say I think your new authorly life just might include more crazy coffee! Congratulations on this amazing greatness with your book. WoW! You have every right in the world to be wearing those super girl panties! :) Wear them with pride. You are THE girl! I'll be visiting amazon soon and hoping for the day we're together again so you can sign my copy! From my crazy corner of the world to yours, with lots of love. xoxox
sounds like a really neat book. I'd love to win a copy!
I just ordered my copies on Amazon and it said that others that ordered this book also ordered...Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson. Funny!
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