Wednesday, April 21, 2010

and 2 more bloggy tour stops....

It is so fun to see all of the different walk of life that tired supergirls come from. We are completely different and yet there is this common thread - we are all tired...and of course, we all love Jesus. :)

Stop #16: Simon Says BLOG!
Maybe it's just the fact that I work with kids, but I love this blog title! :) I'm always up for a good round of simon says. But I also love what Sharon, who blogs over at Simon Says BLOG!, has to say about life with 4 kids. And of course, I heart that she and I have the DC connection. She goes to NCC where we used to be on staff with Mark and Lora Batterson. Sharon has also said, outloud, that she is going to run a marathon this I am saying, outloud, "Sharon, you are a rockstar! 4 kids and a marathon? Go on with your bad self!"

Stop #17: Triple the Love
Anna, from over at Triple the Love, is a mom of triplets. Can we have a moment of silence as we stand in the presence of greatness? Because really I have a difficult time mothering 3 people who weren't all born the same day. Anna, seems to take it all in stride as she does this and is a mentoring director at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. I love all the pictures and the point of view she writes from.

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