This summer a classy group of ladies from Greybull, Wyoming,
took it upon themselves to read
All I Need is Jesus and A Good Pair of Jeans:
The Tired Supergirls Search for Grace.
38 ladies were a part of the group and 6-8 of these tired supergirls would meet in the park each week to discuss 2 chapters.
Chapters about how much grace Jesus has for us.
That just sounds like a whole lot of fun to me.
And they look like the were having fun, too!
Brenda, charter member of tsgs in the park, was kind enough to send me a picture.
Thanks, Brenda!
Feel free to send me any pictures of you and your fellow tsgs (from your book group, women's ministries group, meet my best friend for coffee and pretend we are reading a book group, etc.) with either of All I Need is Jesus or My Bangs Look Good so I can post them on the blog.
I am excited that you are reading the books and hoping that they are encouraging you and reminding you of all of God's enormous love for you. (And I'm also hoping you are laughing a little while you read...I'm just sayin'.)
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