My parents came to visit.

They live in Colorado and we get to see them at least twice a year.
Any extra times are extra icing on the cake
and we squeeze in all the fun we can.
Wednesday morning when the boys woke up to get ready for school,
I greeted them with a command.
Seeing that they only had 30 minutes to get ready,
they were not, by any means, allowed to go to school.
They must stay home and have fun with Grandma and Grandpa.
This proclamation was greeted with exlamations of disbelief and joy.
"Are you kidding me?" and "I love you! I love you! I love you!"
It resulted in some happy faces...

a breakfast celebration with scones and homemade strawberry freezer jam...

and a happy jig.

The only way to follow it up was to tell them even more good news...
Uncle Brett, Aunt Jenny and Baby Drew were coming over and we were going to the pumpkin patch.
To feed the goats....

And pick out some pumpkins....

And it just doesn't get any better than that....pardner.

Sometimes a day is exactly what it was meant to be.
Is that ADDISON????? I can't take it.
Oh, I love this!
They will never forget this day. Twenty-five years from now one of your guys will say to the other two, "Remember the day Mom let us skip school to get pumpkins and. . .?"
Wonderful! What a special day for all your wonderful family!
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