Wednesday, September 19, 2007

verse for this season

Some people have a life Bible verse.
A word that God has whispered into their heart for their life's journey.
I don't have a life verse.
But I think I may have found a season verse.
Because my life seems to wrap itself around chunks of time.
I don't think the same verse would inspire me, say, during college,
as now, during this mommy season.
I've had lots of different seasons. I think that during my
"I-like-boys-that-that-are-detrimental-to-my-well-being season"
a good verse might have been Matthew 16:23 that says,
"Get behind me, Satan."
And when I was in my "I'll-never-find-my-soul-mate" season,
when I tasted loneliness and I doubted I would ever find
a man I could dream with, laugh with and grow with,
I could have definitely leaned into Jeremiah 29:11 that says,
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord.
"They are plans for good and not for disaster,
to give a future and a hope."
And in those early days of marriage, when God answered my prayers
and gave me a wonderful man I could dream with,
laugh with and grow with, and I enterred my
"I-want-him-to-be-perfect-because-I-have-control-issues season",
it probably would've aided both Scott and I,
if I had known about Proverbs 21:19, that says,
"It is better to live alone in the desert
than with a crabby, complaining wife."
Maybe Scott wouldn't have wanted to move to Arizona
and we could have enjoyed that season
for all the fun and goodness that it afforded us.
But now my season is different.
It is harried and fast, with endless shuttlings and activities,
It is unpredictable and exhausting,
just yesterday we had an unplanned doctor visit when
Jack sustained trauma to his gums, yes, his gums,
as well as Will's screaming melt-down at pre-school orientation,
that left me bereft, shell-shocked and
fearing the first day of pre-K class next week.
There are spurts of joy and moments of loneliness,
I'm loving these three little boys but there are mornings
when I can barely drag myself out of bed,
and there is a sort of monotony and hopelessness,
in doing the same things over and over again,
like the laundry, the dishes, the 3 meals and 14 snacks,
the packing of lunches and disciplining and setting boundaries,
that tends to wear down the heartiest of women.
And I feel like God has shown me a scripture I can grab on to,
and immerse myself in.
And I think it shall have to be the Tired Supergirl anthem.
The one we can shout from tall mountains of dirty undies,
and sing ourselves to sleep with as we crawl into bed,
wiped out and depleted.
And the one we can whisper when we see small glimpses of this
promise coming true, in all those monumental moments,
when we are suffused with other worldly energy and happiness,
like when we witness first baby steps, or recieve unsolicited kisses
or when we overhear our children tell their friends about Jesus.
Isaiah 40:29-31 says,

He gives power to those who are tired and worn out;
he offers strength to the weak.
Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up.
But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength.
They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.

I think we're ready for some high flying and running without being weary.
So stencil it on your kid's favorite sippy cup
or onto the visor in your minivan.
Because this is one promise a tired supergirl can sink her teeth into.


scott aughtmon said...

That's a good verse - even for Tired Superguys! :)

I like the way you think and I love who you are.

Jules Bergman said...

Amazing stuff, Sue. Thank you for the timely reminder. It was definitely needed this week...even for those of us without minivans yet. :-)

(And awwww, love Scott's comment to you!)

Jekissa said...

WOW!! I got chills and teary eyed at the same time. Thanks for the encouragement, Sue. Keep it up.
Love, Jess

Van Clements said...

Scott is such a good affirmer. It's so cool he could put this in writing to prove it! :-)