This is Scott. Sue's TSD (Tired Super Dude) husband.
Sue is out writing right now.
I asked her if she'd allow me to get on here and post some things,
so MOST of what I'm about to post I have her permission to put up. :)
The first thing...
1. Join The Tired Supergirl's Lair
The Tired Supergirl website is currently being worked on by
our friend David Messner and will be up soon, but in the meantime
you can now join the "Tired Supergirl's Lair."
What is it?
Do any of you remember the "Hall Of Justice" that the
"Super Friends" had? Well, it's like that except it's for TSGs.
Ok. I exaggerated a little. There's no physical "lair" like this.
(That would be cool though.)
But here's what the TSG Lair really is...
It's like a mini-Facebook for TSGs.
You can create a profile, add photos, meet other TSGs, etc.
You can even create "groups" (like maybe a TSG book club
for other people in your area or just a "virtual" group")
If you wanted to, you can also put up physical events to
invite new TSG friends to.
Anyway, if that sounds fun, then you're welcome to join...
CLICK HERE to join the new TSG Lair!
The second thing I wanted to mention...
2. We Have Discounts On Buying Multiple Books
We've been hearing about people having their book clubs,
church staff, etc. reading "All I Need Is Jesus..." together.
We've also had people telling Sue that they bought multiple
copies of the book for different friends and family.
Since people are doing this already we wanted to give you
a way to get the books cheaper if you're buying multiple ones.
Here are the discounted prices:
Per Case (24 or more books) you can get them for
approx. 40% off per book ($8 a book) - PLUS shipping costs.
For 10 books you can get them for approx. 30% off
per book ($9 a book) - PLUS shipping costs.
If these rates would help you and you're interested, then email Sue at:
Put "discounted rate" in the subject line, and tell her
how many you're interested in ordering.
That's it. Thanks.
Wow, TSG is SO brave... I would never let my hubby get on my blog and just post. Way to go, TSG and TSG's Dude!
Wow.... a lair!!! I'm all for that!! Going to go sign up right now...
BTW, how do I join the League of Tired Super Girls? I see that a lot of girls and guys have their blogs listed on the right hand side of the do I join and get that too?
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