Monday, October 3, 2011

i don't mind jogging for a good reason

This past week one of our neighbor kids came over and
 asked if Jack could go ride bikes.
It was a girl neighbor.
And she had a girlfriend with her.
They wanted to go around the block.
Without parents.
Now, usually, if the boys are riding bikes, we are riding or
walking with them.
They just haven't been old enough to venture out on their own.
But Jack is 10.  And very mature in his own eyes.
And Scott said, "Yes."
So Jack got on his bike and they took off.
And I felt like he left a small piece of his childhood in
his driveway as he pulled away.
And I asked Scott, "Can I jog along behind him?"
"I'll trail him at a distance. He'll never see me."
I began jogging in place to get my heart rate up.
Scott looked at me in shame.
He told I could quite possibly ruin Jack's life if I didn't
pull myself together.
It is obvious I am not prepared for solo bike rides
or cute girls in the near  future.
But I prayed him around the block in my head...
Scott didn't need to know I was secretly panicking inside.
Within a few minutes, Jack came back inside.
"That was boring," he said.
All I could think was....Thank God.
Pray for me, people, obviously I am unprepared for the adventures
of growing boys.


PGS said...

Ah...the pains of growing up...for us parents. These are the years you hold tight and let go all at the same time. Very hard to do.

Elizabeth Garcia Kalka said...

I have four boys, so believe me, I feel your pain. One of my best days ever was when my oldest (he's 15 now) told me he decided he wouldn't date until he finished high school. yippee. :)
Today, though, my youngest (5) told me he was "in love with" and named two girls, one his age and one who's 15. oh joy.