Thursday, April 17, 2008

a miracle

It's always fun to post about frivolous things
like coffee and bad bangs but every once and a while
I get to talk about things that matter like life and death
and babies and who the God we believe in is and what he is capable of doing.
Back in November, I posted about a little girl named Callie,
a vivacious 2 year old who, who due to Degeorge syndrome,
and according to all earthly wisdom about this disease,
was never supposed to be born.
But she was.
According to God's great ability to do beyond what we think is possible.
She also was supposed to be a "vegetable" but for goodness sakes, she wasn't.
She was fiery and bright and cranky and happy and talkative
and all the things a 2 year old is supposed to be.
Since birth, she had been in and out of the hospital
for surgeries correcting her heart and for complications from the disease.
That morning in November, she had gone in for a routine surgery on her bowel
and it was discovered an enormous part of her bowel was dead.
One of the doctor's wept when he saw her intestines.
And that November night that I posted, she was dying.
The doctors had her mom and dad, Joe and Karen, tell Callie good-bye,
because she wasn't supposed to make it through the hour.
And I don't know about you, but I cannot imagine telling my two year old good-bye.
So everyone, hundreds, probably thousands of people, began to pray for Callie.
And 2 days later, when the doctor's went in again, they could not explain
how in the world Callie's bowel that was dead, could now be living.
But that is the fantastic part about the God we believe in.
He obviously had other plans.
So Callie has been healing for the last 6 months in two different hospitals.
And as of yesterday, for the first time in 9 months, Callie is back in Georgia,
in her own house, with her mom, dad, sister and brother.
Her mom, Karen said this in the latest update:
I've accepted I probably won't be having a normal living room for a while. But it's a happy living room. the couch and table are against the wall. A crib mattress and pillows lay on the floor with all Callie's equipment, all Callie's toys, and most importantly, Callie. Most of our time, the five of us, is spent on the living room floor. Callie was the happiest I've seen her. No confines, no bars, no wires.
She's taken to her Daddy quite a bit. Every time she couldn't see him she'd sing "Daddy, where are you?" or "Where Daddy go?". I am happy to see how quickly she's forged a bond with him after being apart for so long. Callie was showing Nurse Kathy all her new tricks, her very expanded lexicon, and how she can crawl.
She is everyone's miracle.

And tsgs, it just doesn't get any better than that.
That's good stuff.

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Kelly @ Love Well said...

How great is our God.

What a beautiful story.

Lindsey said...

This post truly moved me to tears. God is good! I'm so thankful that sweet baby is doing so well.

Also I'm so glad to now know what "tsgs" means. Thanks for the info in the sidebar. HA!

emilymr said...

It makes me cry. Callie is the reason this frozen chosen Presbyterian believes in miracles.

Jekissa said...

Thanks for the happy cry this Friday morning! It is so uplifting and encouraging to hear these stories of our God's love for His children and His infinite power!

Jodie | Velour said...

This is so great!!

ronda said...

This gave me goose bumps and made me cry. Our God is AWESOME!